
Statistical mechanics, complex systems and econophysics

My field of research is Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics, in which the dynamics of quarks and gluons are simulated. These particles make up nucleons, protons and neutrons, which in combination with electrons form atoms. This simulation uses techniques from the field of statistical mechanics, which is used to describe the behaviour of systems with many components, to obtain quantitative results such as the masses of said nucleons, through the connection between the averaging over a statistical ensemble and the integration of Feynman's path integrals. 

On collective motion and flocking

    Bird Flock

    (Stefano Ghezzi -

Have you ever had the chance to admire big flocks of birds flying in the sky? Even though it is made up of hundreds of animals, the flock acts almost as a single entity, swirling and stretching, constantly changing its form in a way that is really appealing to the observing eye. ​

The deadlock in climate policy and the science of extreme event attribution

Climate. It is among the most discussed topics of our days: from international policy making to public demonstrations, media outlets, and even elevator small talk. There is no lack of controversy and strong opinions when climate change is on the table, but that is not exactly surprising. When concrete actions must be taken, responsibility must be assigned; and it seems to be human nature that such discussions must be hard and tiring. Naturally, even more so when people's livelihoods are affected.

Symmetry and Physics: how to explain to my grandma what I do.


15th of August. National holiday in Italy. All my family meets together to celebrate. Break between the first and the second course. Frozen ready meals - my standard menu when I'm away - seem like a distant memory. It's a beautiful day, the birds sing in the trees, the sun is bright in the sky, everything is perfect when it happens:

"But, what do you do exactly?" 

Operator Splitting Methods

    Operator splitting is a powerful method for numerical investigation of complex models. The basic idea of the operator splitting methods based on splitting of complex problem into a sequence of simpler tasks, called split sub-problems. The sub operators are usually chosen with regard to different physical process. Then instead of the original problem, a sequence of sub-models is solved, which gives rise to a splitting error.

Machine Learning and Physics

Machine Learning - A very short introduction

Machine Learning (ML) is a particular branch of a very broad discipline called Artificial Intelligence (AI). Whereas AI tries to solve the fundamental problem of "creating" a sentient or intelligent being from a silicon-based machine, or anything you could define as artificial in general, the problem with ML is somehow simpler.

Turing machines, Memcomputing and High Performance Computing

Many of us have seen The Imitation Game, a movie describing the life of Alan Turing, considered the father of theoretical Computer Science. In 1936 Turing wrote an incredible piece of art: a paper titled On Computable Numbers, with an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem.