Research Methodology and Approach
The project is structured into 7 work packages (WPs). WP1 to WP4 are research WPs while WP5 to WP7 concern training, dissemination and outreach, and management. The project defines collaborative research projects in cross-disciplinary areas embedding them in the three thematic domains. ESRs are assigned to projects linking the different research WPs as summarized by the diagram below.
The detailed distribution of ESR projects, interconnectivity and WPs is illustrated in the figure below. All degree awarding institutions are involved in the supervision of the ESRs within. ESR4, ESR5 and ESR6 are assigned projects overlapping WP1 with WP2, WP3 and WP4, respectively sharing common advisors. ESRs also work across thematic WPs (ESR7, ESR8 and ESR9). This is essential in order to directly transfer novel methods from one domain to another.
WP1-WP4: Research work packages and assignment of ESRs