Guilherme Tegoni Goedert

Guilherme Tegoni Goedert was born in 1992 in Curitiba, Brazil. He obtained a BSc degree in Physics at the University of Brasília in 2014 and a MSc degree in Computational Mathematics and Modeling at IMPA (Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada, Rio de Janeiro) in 2016 with the dissertation "Asymptotic Blowup Solutions in MHD Shell Model of Turbulence" under Prof. Alexei Mailybaev. Guilherme has been a member of the Fluid Dynamics Laboratory at IMPA since his Masters, where he studied Turbulence and Shell Models with Prof. Mailybaev, as well as Numerical Analysis, Scientific Computing and Conservation Laws under Prof. Dan Marchesin.
His interests lie on the understanding of turbulent flow and pattern formation in nature, using an integrated approach between theory and computational exploration to understand more on these subjects. On his free time, he likes to cook, listen to the piano and read; he also has a budding interest on scuba diving.
Guilherme has been selected for the position of ESR7 with joint degree awarding institutions the Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen (RWTH), The Cyprus Institute (CyI) and the Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata (UTOV). The project entitled "Monte Carlo methods and importance sampling of rare events in stochastic partial differential equations and in stochastic single- and multi-particle problems" is supervised by Prof. Marek Behr, Assist. Prof. Giannis Koutsou and Prof. Luca Biferale.