Giovanni Iannelli

Giovanni Iannelli was born in Bolzano, Italy, in 1992. He had lived in Milano until finishing high school. Then, he completed his Bachelor (2015) and his Master (2018) in Physics at the University of Pisa. His Bachelor thesis involved simulation of a Bose-Einstein condensate, supervised by Prof. Ettore Vicari, and, for his Master thesis, he designed and evaluated a cluster algorithm for a pure gauge U(1) lattice theory, supervised by Prof. Massimo D'Elia. He also joined the Guest Student Programme in Jülich Supercomputing Centre in 2016.

His main research topics are lattice gauge theories and condensed matter, but he is also interested in topics that are not strictly concerning theoretical physics; which are high performance computing, probability theory, statistics, machine learning and the newest programming languages techniques. Apart from studies, he enjoys classical music, baroque music in particular, and playing tennnis, table tennis and waterpolo.

Giovanni has been selected for the position of ESR4 with joint degree awarding institutions the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (HUB), the Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata (UTOV) and the University of Cyprus (UCY). The project entitled "Path integral evaluation by new mathematical quadrature rules" is supervised by Prof. Caren Tischendorf, Prof. Roberto Frezzotti and Prof. Constantia Alexandrou.